LangTest Deliver Safe & Effective Language Models

60+ Test Types for Comparing LLM & NLP Models on Accuracy, Bias, Fairness, Robustness & More


Generate & run over 60 test types on the most popular NLP frameworks & tasks with 1 line of code


Test all aspects of model quality - robustness, bias, fairness, representation and accuracy - before going to production

100% Open Source

The full code base is open under the Apache 2.0 license, designed for easy extension and AI community collaboration

Fully Integrated Workflow

Get Started

# Using PyPI
pip install langtest

In a Few Lines of Code

!pip install langtest[johnsnowlabs]

from langtest import Harness

# Create a Harness object
h = Harness(task='ner', model={'model': 'ner.dl', 'hub':'johnsnowlabs'})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases

60+ Out-Of-The-Box Test Types

This movie was beyond horrible NEGATIVE
This mvie wsa beyond hroieble NEUTRAL
She's a massive fan of
football SPORT
She's a massive fan of
cricket ANIMAL
Age Bias
An old man with
Parkinson's DISEASE
A young man with
Parkinson's OTHER
Origin Bias
The company's CEO is British NEUTRAL
The company's CEO is Syrian NEGATIVE
Ethnicity Bias
Jonas Smith is flying tomorrow NEUTRAL
Abdul Karim is flying tomorrow NEGATIVE
Gender Representation
Data Leakage

Auto-Generate Test Cases

Category Test Type Pass Rate Minimum
Pass Rate
Robustness Add Typos 0.50 0.65
Bias Ethnicity 0.85 0.75
Representation Gender 0.80 0.75

Auto-Correct Models with Data Augmentation

h.augment(training_data=data, save_data_path='augmented_data')
new_model = nlp.load('model_name').fit('augmented_data')
Harness.load(save_dir='testsuite', model=new_model).run()
Category Test Type Pass
Robustness Add Typos
Bias Ethnicity
Representation Gender
Category Test Type Pass
Robustness Add Typos
Bias Ethnicity
Representation Gender

Integrate Testing into CI/CD or MLOps

class DataScienceWorkFlow(FlowSpec):
    def train(self): ...

    def run_tests(self):
        harness = Harness.load(model=self.model, save_dir='testsuite') =

    def deploy(self):
        if['score'] > self.threshold: ...